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作者:本站信息来源:本站点击次数:发布时间:2018-01-12 11:53:00


On January 11th, 2018, whole school mathmatics teachers attended to the final concluding conference of mathmatics group.


Mr Hu Huiping,the chief of mathematic group, has made summaries of this semester consisting of such basic four aspects as the routine to teach, discussion for improving teaching skill, programs of students, and display of achievements. Throughout the whole semester, there are great triumphs in programs of mathematic group, such as various form, innovative ideas, sound experience, touching moments. In the meantime, he has conceived the outline of the next semester on the preliminary idea and the plan.


       黄大萍老师参加成都市《小学数学运算教学》专题研讨会,将学习心得与老师进行分享交流。黄老师介绍了数学专家张天孝老师 “一个人、一辈子、一件事”的人生信条。张老师指出运算教学包括算理理解、算法探索、问题解决。教学过程中要处理好三者的关系,重在“合理、简洁、灵活、创新”。交流中,黄老师给老师展示了学生课堂中的计算练习题,巧妙而多样的计算方法让老师感触颇多

Ms Huang Daping participated in a special seminar on "Mathematics Teaching in Primary Schools" in Chengdu. She will share her learning experience with her teachers. Ms Huang introduced the life creed of mathematics expert Mr Zhang Tianxiao, "one person, one life, one thing". Mr Zhang pointed out that the teaching of arithmetic includes understanding of arithmetic, exploration of algorithms, and problem solving.In the process of teaching, we should deal with the relationship between the three, and focus on "rationality, simplicity, flexibility and innovation".In the exchange, Ms Huang showed the students the calculation exercises in the classroom, ingenious and varied calculation methods let the teacher feel a lot.


Mr He, principal assistant, remarked that mathematics group brings us excellent exhibition including high-quality class, the exciting math festival with good circumstance and expectation. At the same time, he proposed that we should pay more attention to perfectly complete assignments from interior and exterior the two perspectives, and initiate the grogram to become a good teacher implementing their obligations. Besides, he also highlighted the combination of goals between personal development and school development, to strengthen the awareness of crisis, mind with strategy and cooperation as team. At the same time, he pointed out that the lesson preparation group should further implement the training objectives of the year.


The principal, Ms Mei, instructed the mathematics group. Ms Mei highly affirmed the good state of work of mathematics group, with orderly routine, splendid output and innovative breakthrough. Then, she pointed out that we should improve ourselves in self-professionalism way and pay attention to the transformation of experience and concept in order to adapt to the present open society. ‘Education is the art of the soul’, she said, ‘we should be kind to children with benevolence, and communicate with them from heart to heart by face to face.’Ms Mei stressed the necessity to pay attention to the dignity and cooperating quality while improve the quality and results of teaching, but also to the development of students. Let the classroom become the children's favorite and warm home, keeping the students in the classroom, students' heart outside the classroom, and the memory of them in the sky of the campus will be retained.
